
Building a New Community on Old Streets: The Resurgence of 哥伦布’ 林登 Neighborhood 

澳博官方网站app的支持下, 这个哥伦布社区共同努力扩大住房选择, 支持的企业家, catalyze additional community investments and support resident health.


成立于1908年, 东北哥伦布, 俄亥俄州的林登社区逐渐发展成为经济适用房的天堂, 小型企业和社区设施, eventually becoming a comfortable retreat for residents commuting to the city’s downtown. 然后, 郊区补贴的组合, highway construction and deed restrictions drew more affluent homeowners away. 林登, 就像全国许多城市的社区一样, 开始了长达数十年的失业率下降, 关闭商店, 减少人口, 以及越来越多的撤资.


2017年,作为市长安德鲁. Ginther’s focus on 哥伦布 neighborhoods, a comprehensive community planning effort, 一个林登计划, outlined a roadmap back to the things that matter—safe neighborhoods, 经济发展, 经济适用房, 医疗质量, 教育, 就业机会. 这个框架导致了 去林登的614路, so named for the collaborative effort of the six nonprofits and four community development financial institutions (CDFIs), whose focus is to rebuild the community in ways that serve existing residents and attract new investments to the area.

“The 林登614英镑 is exactly what we hoped the One 林登 Community Plan would do to bring additional investment to the community,卡拉·威廉姆斯-斯科特说, 哥伦布市社区局局长. “This collaborative has played a key role in advancing important initiatives that are stabilizing and expanding housing options, increasing access to healthy food and strengthening small businesses.

500万美元慈善投资 澳博官方网站app, 去林登的614路 raised more than $25 million of capital from the City of 哥伦布, CareSource, 罗伯特·伍德·约翰逊基金会, Center for Community Investment and other institutions with a shared vision to help 林登 thrive. 澳博官方网站app的投资是其投资计划的一部分 4亿美元,5年承诺 focused on promoting housing stability and improving housing affordability for Black, 西班牙裔和拉丁裔应对经济适用房危机 已经展开多年了吗,对许多有色人种家庭的影响尤为严重.

“历史上, 林登没有得到太多关注和投资,Courtney Falato解释道, 澳博官方网站app全球慈善项目官员. “We saw that the area is not only a rich part of 哥伦布 community but was ripe for investment, with the community already engaged in the big ideas identified in 一个林登计划. And it’s no small thing that all of the successes we’ve had throughout the three-year investment cycle happened during COVID. Despite the challenges, we were able to charge through and have considerable impact.”

With this level of community engagement, 去林登的614路 has made headway in five major areas:

更多经济适用房选择: 到目前为止, the collaborative has constructed 214 经济适用房 units and has preserved or rehabilitated 230 经济适用房 units. These new and rehabbed units will be made available to households earning at or below 80 percent of the area median income, providing a critical stock of 经济适用房 options amid a hot housing market.

快速双规计划: 大流行期间, 去林登的614路 reallocated some grant funds to provide emergency rent and utility assistance to local residents, helping people stay in their homes so they could focus on staying healthy and getting back to work.

房屋维修援助: Supporting existing 林登 homeowners was a priority for the collaborative from the very beginning. The home repair grants 为林登 offered the opportunity for homeowners to get much needed exterior repairs that they otherwise may not have been able to afford. The collaborative has completed 81 home repairs as of December 2022.

获取新鲜食物: The pandemic forced many families across the country to seek food assistance. The 林登614英镑 provided support by rehabilitating a vacant grocery store into the 林登 Fresh Food Market—a food pantry that feels more like a grocery store experience, 还有大量的新鲜水果, 蔬菜及乳制品, 还有一个免费的药房. Attracting a traditional full-service grocery store to improve access to nutritional food is still a desired action item for families within 一个林登计划 geography.

小型企业援助: 小型企业也受到了疫情的严重打击, and many faced either a sharp decline in sales or an urgent increase in need. The collaborative provided technical assistance to help entrepreneurs navigate the 危机 as well as micro loans to purchase equipment, 规模生产, 或者主操作. 

As access to safe and affordable homes—which leads to better health, 教育, 收益, 以及其他衡量幸福的标准——在林登生根发芽, 以前的居民正在搬回这个社区. 随着国际人口的增长, 他们正在刺激一个重新焕发活力的小企业走廊.

“林登一直是一个非常活跃的社区. 这里的人对我们如何在林登创造财富感兴趣, 为林登, 林登,亚伦·墨菲说。, 俄亥俄州资本金融公司副总裁, 的贷款附属机构 俄亥俄州住房资本公司他是林登614合作组织的创始成员. 

“The success of 去林登的614路 relies on everyone involved sharing information and resources with each other,法拉托说。. “We’re working together with the needs of the community—now and in the future—front and center.”

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